Bono Group was founded by the Danish businessman Mads Rasmussen. The company is based in Denmark and owns various quantities of shares in a portfolio of international companies.

Common for companies is that they are:

  • In the attractive markets of industry, commerce and services, and real state,
  • With potential for development and growth in the short and medium term,
  • Market leader with potential to be market leader,
  • With talented and energetic employees who manage business processes and focus on customer needs and sales



Bono Group does not invest as a sleeping partner or with a quick exit strategy. We do, however, get involved in companies, where we can contribute actively and constructively to the given company’s further development. Our primary contribution usually involves the following:

  • Identifying new markets (geographic),
  • Identifying new industry segments (products),
  • Product development,
  • Optimizing the company’s operations,
  • Financial setup Turnaround (if necessary).

In general, our contribution includes in many cases looking at a company and its opportunities from a bird’s eye perspective and creating the necessary energy in the entire organization in cooperation with the company’s management. Besides the direct and active contribution from Bono Group, the group’s involvement includes access to a broad network of advisors in numerous fields, such as economy, production, sales, outsourcing and marketing with a proven track record.


The process of dialogue with venture capitalists, business angels and other investors is often long and slow.  In Bono Group we always try to reach a clarification and, if possible, also an agreement as soon as possible.

The process can be simply described as follows:

  1. We listen,
  2. We read,
  3. We assess,
  4. We make a decision.

We invest primarily in the following types companies:

  • Which operate on emerging markets within industry, real estate, commerce and services,
  • With an established and stable earnings,
  • With the potential to be market leader Turnaround companies:
    • Which operate on emerging markets within industry, commerce and services,
    • With access to key personnel and infrastructure,
    • With interesting development opportunities in the short and medium term,
    • With the potential to be market leader Companies with generational.